Wednesday, July 18, 2012

{ life imitating art }

It has been a while since I last posted, so I had been looking forward to catching up on my last few weeks and finally giving my abandoned little blog some love. Like most people these days, my iPhone camera roll pretty much serves as a running visual diary of my life, so this is where I started to jog my memory of what I've been drawing/ painting/ loving/ eating/ wearing of late. In scrolling through, it became really apparent to me how much my mood - and then my drawings, and then everything else that follows - run so much in phases and themes. 

Are you like this, too? Do you get on a roll and become obsessed with something until it overtakes your life - and then quickly jump on to the next thing that takes your fancy? Or are you all disciplined and steadfast in your style with no digression or compromise at all? I kind of wish I was the latter, like Diane Keaton's character in 'Something's Gotta Give' with her white pebbles and polo neck sweaters.... but I fear I am still way more flighty and flippant than I realised! Sure, the above are all green and natural and flowing and calm, but my point is that next week it will be something entirely different again.

I'm sure everyone is like this to a degree and and I don't know that either is right or wrong (or even what I'd prefer to be). I also don't know that anyone else really cares (!) - but it's caught my thoughts so I figured I would share it with you. I'd love to hear if you're like this, and what are your current loves  - tell me what you think!

Pip xx

*photos all mine' taken on iPhone; of various drawings, places and stage.


Natasha @ Northern Light Design said...

Hi PIP, so nice to have you back posting, I truly enjoy seeing what you are up to... down under :)

I think it's a natural thing for creative people to concentrate on a subject, color or "whatever", and stay with that for a while, as we tend to explore that subject to the fullest, analyzing how to best incorporate it into our designs etc.

... I, too, have a color story in my phone, as well as a subject (flowers) that I seem to be gravitating to all the time :)

have a fun weekend!

annechovie said...

I can so relate, Pip! I think it's just an "occupational hazard" of being an artist/creative. We are passionate about what is inspiring us and always absorbing new things and taking different directions. Keep up the gorgeous work! xx

Louise said...

Yep. I get like that too; but I try to remember what made me start my blog in the first place and stick to that 'brief': but hey - its your blog, go for it!

my blog at

regards Louise

Miss B. said...

Gosh these are GORGEOUS! You are so talented!

pve design said...

I totally agree. In my earnest search for trying to live simply, I think letting go of things that bog me down can be freeing. Love to find items that absorb me, be it a seasonal posy or some found money in a pocket - adds to the grace of living gratefully.